SR8038 Extra-Long Suede Gloves

SR8038 Extra-Long Suede Gloves - Package on White

These extra long suede gloves protect your whole arm and hand from the heat of a grill, chimney starter, or any other tools you may be using. Gloves are soft and pliable for an easy grasp, yet long and thick enough for heat protection.

Materials: Leather, Suede, Cotton
Dimensions: 17.7″ x 8.85″ x .98″
Keywords: Suede Gloves, Long Gloves
MSRP: $29.99

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Niki Gross

Niki is the Marketing Communications Manager for The Companion Group. She is responsible for marketing and communications strategies, from advertising to websites. She is a wife, mother, yogi, and lover of cheeseburgers, proper grammar and a strong work ethic!

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