Himalayan Salt Plate Recipe: Hot Caprese Salad


The dishes you can create on a Himalayan salt plate aren’t limited to just meat-based entrées. You can make anything from appetizers to desserts. Chef Nick Wellhausen shows you how to create an easy, vegetarian dish: a grilled take on a Caprese salad! Watch how fresh tomatoes are transformed when cooked and flavored using the Himalayan salt plate. It’s a fun dish that’s as beautiful in presentation as it is delicious! For more information on our salt plates, read our blog post.


Brand Charcoal Companion
Products Used CC3526, CC6036
Time 2:46
YouTube Link https://youtu.be/L2kXkigR2Vg
Upload Date 02/19/15


Himalayan salt plates are a beautiful, fun new way to cook and present your foods. They impart a subtle, yet rich flavor without over-salting your food. Salt plates can be used for a variety of dishes, both hot and cold, from appetizers to main courses, as well as desserts. While most people think that salt plates are meat-centric, it can also be used to cook vegetarian options, like the Caprese salad we’re going to show you today.

Let’s take a look at our ingredients. Today we’ve got four super-ripe tomatoes, still on the vine for presentation, we’ve got a bunch of organic basil, freshly picked, we’ve got some fresh mozzarella, some extra virgin olive oil, and some balsamic glaze for the top.

To begin our recipe today, we’ll start by pre-heating the salt plate. Pre-heating a salt plate is done in three phases. We’ll start with the plate over low flame for 15 minutes, then we’ll move to a medium flame for 15 minutes, and we’ll finish with a high flame for 15 minutes. If you place your salt plate directly on a high flame, you run the risk of cracking it.

We’ve already got our salt plate pre-heated; it’s sat on the grill a full 45 minutes, and we’re going to start by preparing our tomatoes. To prepare the tomatoes, we’re simply going to remove a portion of the bottom of each tomato so that it can sit flat on the salt plate.

Once the bottoms of the tomatoes have been removed, we’re going to go ahead and place them on the salt plate. The tomatoes should take about 12 to 15 minutes to fully cook.

I just checked on our tomatoes; they’re fully cooked. We’re going to go ahead and remove them from the grill, but first we’ve got a heat-safe trivet on the table, and I’m also wearing heat-safe gloves so as not to burn myself. And from here, we’re ready to plate and serve.

To plate this dish, we’re simply going to remove the stem from the tomato, and using a spatula, transfer it to the plate. Serve alongside a ball of fresh mozzarella, and garnish with some fresh basil. We’re going to finish plating by simply drizzling a bit of extra-virgin olive oil and the balsamic glaze.

And there you have it – grilled salt block caprese!

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Daniel Replogle

Daniel does business development and marketing at The Companion Group. When he isn’t writing you can find him rock climbing or doing ceramic artwork.